Tuesday, September 27, 2011

BP1 - Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to This is NOT dental floss....below you will find the story that explains how I came up with that name for the blog.

So I am sitting down and knitting my little heart out and I am really humming along. All the sudden as I pull more yarn from the ball I realize that the yarn is damp. I think "that's odd", but I keep knitting. A few more inches into the yarn I find that my cat, The Unbelievable and All Seeing Grand Duchess Holis Octavia of Brown Paws, had been using my yarn as dental floss and split the yarn!

I looked her straight in the eye and said "No Holis, that is NOT dental floss!"

She responded with a look of utter contempt that I'm pretty sure meant "You idiot....I'm a cat and this is yarn...what don't you understand lady!" She then turned back to the yarn and continued flossing.

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